free disk space
on your PC / Server. You would probably need a minimum of 100GB
free space - but you really should provide about double that - all this space is needed for the build system itself (about 35GB-80GB, depending on the manifest version), for the device trees, for the actual build (between 8GB to 14GB for each device), and for ccache's cache (if you use ccache).RAM
- if you are building with the 12.1 manifest, you need a minimum
of 20GB RAM (24GB would be much better). For the 14.1 manifest, you need a minimum of 32GB RAM (48GB would be much better). If you do not have sufficient RAM, you will
experience all kinds of random build errors. We will not be able to help you in such situations, other than to advise you to get more RAM.Linux
development system (note: "Linux" - NOT "Windows")."python -V"
; if it is not v2.x, then you need to symlink python to whatever python 2 version is installed on your system) - only if you're using older OrangeFox sources.bash
shell (note: "bash", NOT "zsh", or "tcsh", or "ksh", or "csh", or "dash", or any other shell)NOT
build as root cd ~
sudo apt install git aria2 -y
git clone
cd scripts
sudo bash setup/
sudo bash setup/
a 14.x build system, then sync the fox_14.1 branch (note that very few
devices would require this).experimental
stage, and we will answer no questions relating to any problems you may encounter with it.mkdir ~/OrangeFox_sync
cd ~/OrangeFox_sync
git clone # (or, using ssh, "git clone [email protected]:OrangeFox/sync.git")
cd ~/OrangeFox_sync/sync/
./ --branch 12.1 --path ~/fox_12.1
You have to place your device trees, kernels in the proper locations.
For example device/xiaomi/lavender
# These are example commands
cd ~/fox_12.1 # (or whichever directory hosts the synced manifest)
git clone device/xiaomi/lavender
If there is no existing device tree for your device, you will need to create one yourself. You can do this in a number of ways:
This is the only information that we will provide on this issue. Please do NOT ask for any more information about this.
cd ~/OrangeFox # (or whichever directory has the synced manifest)
/bin/bash # if your Linux shell isn't bash
export FOX_BUILD_DEVICE=<device>
export LC_ALL="C"
# for all brances
source build/
# for the 12.1 branch, if the device has a separate recovery partition
lunch twrp_<device>-eng && mka adbd recoveryimage
# for the 12.1 branch, with A/B partitioning, and no separate recovery partition
lunch twrp_<device>-eng && mka adbd bootimage
# for the 12.1 branch, vendor_boot-as-recovery builds [this is highly experimental and unsupported!]
lunch twrp_<device>-eng && mka adbd vendorbootimage
# for the 14.1 branch, with A/B partitioning, and no separate recovery partition
lunch twrp_<device>-ap2a-eng && mka adbd bootimage
# for the 14.1 branch, vendor_boot-as-recovery builds [this is highly experimental and unsupported!]
lunch twrp_<device>-ap2a-eng && mka adbd vendorbootimage
A. If you get any errors relating to anything with a ".py" extension or anything containing "py2",etc, then it means you need to install Python 2.x. Run "python --version" to see which version is being used as default - and, if it is not Python 2.7.x (eg, if it is Python 3.x) then you will have issues, and you will need to install v2.x
B. Indeed, you should always make sure that your default python for building is python 2.x
C. If you get build errors relating to "ui.xml for TW_THEME: portrait_hdpi", "Set TARGET_SCREEN_WIDTH and TARGET_SCREEN_HEIGHT to automatically select an appropriate theme", or "set TW_THEME to one of the following", etc, then it is possible that the bootable/recovery/gui/theme/ directory has not been properly synced. In that case, you might need to run a command like: git clone bootable/recovery/gui/theme
from the manifest root directory.
D. If the device that you are building for is not a Xiaomi MIUI device, and/or you don't care about block-based incremental OTA updates, then you should consider adding this to your build process:
E. If the device for which you are building OrangeFox is an A-only Xiaomi MIUI device, then you probably want to add this to your build process, to prevent the MIUI recovery from overwriting OrangeFox when you boot into the MIUI ROM:
export OF_PATCH_AVB20=1
F. If you are building for an A/B device (you must be sure of this!), then you should add this to your build process:
export FOX_AB_DEVICE=1
G. If you are building with the fox_12.1
(or higher) branch and your device is a recent Virtual A/B ("VAB")
device, then you should add this to your build process if you are getting problems with flashing the OrangeFox zip installer itself, or with things like changing the splash :
H. If you want your subsequent builds to be faster, then use ccache - eg
export USE_CCACHE=1
export CCACHE_EXEC=/usr/bin/ccache
ccache -M 50G
# this sets aside 50GB disk space for the cache
I. If you are using a prebuilt kernel, and you start getting a "NO KERNEL CONFIG" error, try adding export OF_FORCE_PREBUILT_KERNEL=1
to your build process (eg, in
J. If your OrangeFox build variables are not being processed, ensure that your Linux shell for building is bash
, and that you have run export FOX_BUILD_DEVICE=<device>
before building.
K. If your build is getting stuck on the logo (indicating a decryption problem), you should consider providing a default version number for the keymaster services, using the OF_DEFAULT_KEYMASTER_VERSION
variable (in fact, it is strongly recommended to always do this anyway). This needs to specify the version number of the keymaster services that you have provided in your device tree (ensure that this is correct) - eg, for keymaster version 4.1:
L. If you enable TW_NO_SCREEN_BLANK
in your device tree, then make sure that you give a correct value for TW_MAX_BRIGHTNESS
- othewise, a default value (1023) will be used - and this may not be what you really want.
M. Make sure that you have sufficient RAM on your PC/Server (read the requirements section at the top of this page).
It can sometimes happen that the size of the recovery image is too big. In such cases, the build process will terminate with an error message.
There are a number of steps that can be taken to reduce the size of the recovery image.
If the kernel supports LZMA compression, then the most promising way to reduce the size is to use LZMA compression:
The next most promising way is to use "export FOX_DRASTIC_SIZE_REDUCTION=1" (this must come after all other exports)
Other potential ways of reducing the size of the recovery image:
If there were no errors during compilation, the final recovery image would be present in out/target/product/[device]/OrangeFox-unofficial-[device].img
provide the following:must
be the exact version that you used to build the OrangeFox build that you are reporting problems for;If you do not provide all of these, then your request for help will either be ignored, or it will be deleted.
(if booting is not successful), or,These logs must be posted to or or a similar site).
Do NOT post silly messages like "it doesn't boot", or "it doesn't work", or "it fails", or "why this (or that) is happening", or anything along those lines. Such messages are totally useless, because they do not tell anybody what exactly is going on, or what exactly happens when you try to boot, or how exactly you are trying to boot, or anything meaningful that anyone could use to try to help you. We may simply ignore (or delete) such messages.
If your build does not succeed in booting at all, then;
a) You must first ensure that you have correctly followed all the building instructions (especially those relating to build variables
b) Secondly, you must also ensure that the kernel
you are using is not problematic.
c) Thirdly, you must satisfy yourself that your device tree
is correct.
If errors occur during the build process, then, you should, in addition to providing a link to your device tree,
a) Tell us which command you used to do the build (eg, "mka bootimage", etc);
b) Capture a full log of the build process (not just extracts of where you think the error occurs) and post it to a site like or a similar site, and
c) Post a link to the build log.
d) You can capture a log of the build process by running a command like: mka recoveryimage | tee build.log
in your own device tree. For a detailed example, have a look at this. Note - this is just an example of appropriate settings for one device. Obviously, you will need to amend this example in order to tailor it for your own device.adb shell getprop ro.boot.dynamic_partitions
adb shell getprop ro.boot.slot_suffix
fastboot getvar current-slot
script, then follow the update instructions provided on the OrangeFox sync pageRead here
As already indicated, the 14.1 branch/manifest is currently at an experimental
stage. Use it with extreme caution - and do not expect any help if you run into problems with it.
Some of the known issues are:
fastboot -w